It will remember preg duration for you and will use saved value at each pregnancy, for each sim. It's means, that you don't have to change pregnancy duration at each pregnancy start. Now it saves pregnancy duration, changed by you, to each sim. Pregnancy duration - this option allows you to control pregnancy duration in in-game days.Third Trimester - will be set Third Trimester of the pregnancy - fastest pregnancy time, about ¼ of possible time.Second Trimester - will be set Second Trimester of the pregnancy - faster pregnancy time, about 2/4 of possible time.First Trimester - will be set First Trimester of the pregnancy - longest pregnancy time, about ¾ of possible time.Begin Labor - will start Labor - let the baby go out!.Miscarriage risk - allows you to choose miscarriage risk chance, in percents.About - Shows mod version - it will show version of Pregnancy Mega Mod, installed on your PC.Pause pregnancy for all sims in the game.Change MONOZYGOTIC OFFSPRING CHANCE For Sim - option, that allow to change percent of chance, that your multiplets children will be identical.ArtUrlWWW Pregnancy Mega Mod also provides you Same Sex pregnancy and Teen Woohoo functional functional! Your same-sex couples will be able to do Woohoo and they also will be able to have children! Toilet Take pregnancy tet option is also available to use for same-sex couples.ArtUrlWWW Pregnancy Mega Mod provides you Teen pregnancy and Teen Woohoo functional and a lot of Teens functional! Your teens will be able to have woohoo and Try for baby on:.It also provides extends pregnancy functional up to Quadruplets, Quintuplets and Sextuplets !.

If not, the default chance will be 50% of pregnancy ending in miscarry/stillborn.Ģ) At each period of pregnancy, there will be miscarriage chance, described above. 1) You set the miscarry/stillborn chance percentage in the 'Miscarriage Risk' function.